Victor Valley High School Athletic Physical and Clearance Process:
Watch video for tutorial on how to fill out your Home Campus Clearance
Go on
Click on the California button
If you have not registered before you will need to click on the “register” button and create a profile.
Fill in all the boxes with the red asterisk next to them.
Complete Step 1, "Student Information".
A printable physical form can be downloaded from the next page you come to or you can click here.
When you get to the “upload physical here”, If you have not yet had a physical exam, you can click “save” at the bottom of that page and continue on with the registration process. Once you have completed the physical exam, you can log back in and upload your physical form. The forms are available to print from (
click on “Explore” then click on Athletics Physical Information under the “Athletics” heading. -
Complete Step 2, "Medical History".
Complete Step 3, "Parent Information".
Complete Step 4, "Signatures".
Once all documents are completed and submitted, the athletics office will review them and then mark “cleared” on You will receive an email and your coach will be notified as well. If you are not cleared, you will receive an email explaining what you are missing in order to get cleared.
If you have any questions, please send an email to one of the following 3 people:
Athletics Office Secretary-
Athletic Trainer-
Athletic Director - ccampbell@vvuhsd.