Social Science
The Social Science department at VVHS has some of the best teachers and strives to increase student achievement. Overall test scores have risen between 9% and 15% in the different subjects taught within the past couple of years.
Courses offered include: World History, European History AP, U.S. History and U.S. History AP, Sociology, Psychology, Geography, U.S. Government, U.S. Government AP, Economics, and Economics AP.
- Mike Martinez (Department Chair)
Phone #: 760-955-3300 Ext. 31295
Subjects: U.S. & AP U.S. History
- Mike Cataneso
Phone #: 760-955-3300 Ext. 31293
Subjects: U.S. Government & U.S. History
- John Ehart
Phone #: 760-955-3300 Ext. 31316
Subjects: World History & U.S. History
- Sarah Hatchell
Phone #: 760-955-3300 Ext. 31291
Subjects: World History & AP European History
- Michael Lillard
Phone #: 760-955-3300 Ext. 31234
Subjects: World History, AP Government, AP Economics, Sociology & Psychology
- Alicia Most
Phone #: 760-955-3300 Ext. 31290/31419
Subjects: World History & AVID
- Meghan Singer
Phone #: 760-955-3300 Ext. 31378
Subjects: World History & U.S. History
- Jamie St. Clair
Phone #: 760-955-3300 Ext. 31313
Subject: Geography
- Troy Struebing
Phone #: 760-955-3300 Ext. 31292
Subjects: Economics & U.S. History